Moldovan Smoked Cheese
Italy is well-known for its cheese. Its not the only country though to have an interesting cheese selection. Indeed, their are a number of places with an unheralded cheese tradition. Moldova for example:
Read More →Italy is well-known for its cheese. Its not the only country though to have an interesting cheese selection. Indeed, their are a number of places with an unheralded cheese tradition. Moldova for example:
Read More →For Aurelius, it had been one of those days. On the way to the forum, not so much a funny, as an annoying thing had happened. He’d been happily wending his way along, admittedly weighed down by the ten cheeses he had for sale, when he had bumped into Markus. This as usual meant bad […]
Read More →Bible IAm GIF from Bible GIFs When I say cheese in the Bible, I am not talking about the unfortunate situation where over lunch, during a heated debate on a Biblical topic, a slice of finest Italian cheese has slipped from it’s intended location in someone’s sandwich and ended up falling on a Bible! Rather, […]
Read More →Cheese is what I’m all about. That might not sound like the most alluring epitaph, but nevertheless it contains a ring of truth. Cheese is something that we are all aware of; that we have an had different experiences of, and probably have an opinion about. Here, I am referring to cheese in the physical […]
Read More →We all feel like we are down in the dumps sometimes. Another way of putting it, is that sometimes we are stuck in a pit that we can’t get out of. The Italian word Fossa means just that, a pit. The interesting thing however about Fossa Cheese is that it is intentionally placed in a […]
Read More →Waste not, want not, is a common expression in the English language. Not just because it sounds good, but also because it contains a very practical truth. Those of us living in (or at least brought up in!) the western world are prone to not adhering to this adage. It’s much easier to just throw […]
Read More →In life, not everyone can be a superstar. That, of course, doesn’t mean that each person isn’t important or can’t live up to certain standards. The same can be said of cheeses. Taleggio cheese is not a household name and probably many people have never even heard of it. However, that doesn’t mean to say […]
Read More →Undoubtedly, one of the Italian cheeses that most people have heard of is Gorgonzola. The name itself is certainly ear-catching and one to remember. It might sound like it would be better suited to a mythical monster, but as we shall see, it is actually quite fitting to this particular cheese and not without reason. […]
Read More →Over the centuries Italy has developed a rich cheesemaking tradition. As a result, there are very many types of Italian cheese. Although each Italian cheese is unique due to the specific method used to produce it and subtle differences in milk and other ingredients, there are also similarities between the cheeses. Asiago is one of […]
Read More →Cheesemaking is big business. In 2014 for example, the world production of cheese from cow’s milk was estimated at 18.7 million tonnes. Now that’s a lot of cheese and it doesn’t even include many other types of cheese that are also produced. Obviously, with such a large scale of cheese production going on in the […]
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