Bible IAm GIF from Bible GIFs When I say cheese in the Bible, I am not talking about the unfortunate situation where over lunch, during a heated debate on a Biblical topic, a slice of finest Italian cheese has slipped from it’s intended location in someone’s sandwich and ended up falling on a Bible! Rather, […]

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Cheese is what I’m all about. That might not sound like the most alluring epitaph, but nevertheless it contains a ring of truth. Cheese is something that we are all aware of; that we have an had different experiences of, and probably have an opinion about. Here, I am referring to cheese in the physical […]

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In life, not everyone can be a superstar. That, of course, doesn’t mean that each person isn’t important or can’t live up to certain standards. The same can be said of cheeses. Taleggio cheese is not a household name and probably many people have never even heard of it. However, that doesn’t mean to say […]

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