Aurelius awoke from his deep slumber. He threw back his mantellum, which in colder weather doubled up as his cloak, and sheepishly raised himself to life.  After a few quick breathes to get the life blood flowing through him, he stretched and got up on his feet and soon found himself peering out of his […]

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One of the big questions in life is ‘Why do things happen the way they happen?’ There could be many and endless answers to this question, but for what its worth, here are my thoughts. One way of looking at it could be to say that there is no God or higher beings that exist, […]

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Ben felt his heart pound as he moved swiftly along. The reason for the pounding was twofold.  There was the obvious breathlessness caused by physical effort. He was in a hurry to not be late for his meeting. However, there was something more. The said meeting could be described as a rendezvous and thus Ben, […]

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Sometimes in life we are confronted with challenging circumstances. One time in Romania I was at a Bible class. The teacher was American and the person translating approached me during the break to inform me that he needed to go somewhere and asked me, being an English speaker, if I would translate after the break. […]

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One time I was at a camp in Romania by the mountains. We were staying at a holiday cabin in a tiny village. To get to where some of the people were staying, it was necessary to take a short walk. While walking one morning, I noticed that to my left in the field there […]

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‘Hello! Can I interest you in a personality test?’ Ben had only been out for an afternoon stroll along the High Street and certainly hadn’t been looking for any deep internal retrospection. However, the solid, middle aged man who was now standing before him didn’t look like he was going to take no for an […]

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Brânza este atât un aliment popular, cât și vechi. Este consumat la nivel mondial,  cu milioane de tone fiind produse anual. Dovezile arheologice sugerează că a fost făcută de ființe umane de mii de ani cu rășini de grăsime din lapte fiind detectate în ceramica antică, sugerând că a fost folosit  în producția de brânză. […]

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Sometimes good foods can come from unexpected sources. Nutritional yeast would be just such an example. Yeast doesn’t sound like such a great thing to eat. Maybe because most people associate it with beer brewing. Additionally, some types of yeast can cause health problems, not to mention yeast extract products like Marmite which are not […]

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Cheese is what I’m all about. That might not sound like the most alluring epitaph, but nevertheless it contains a ring of truth. Cheese is something that we are all aware of; that we have an had different experiences of, and probably have an opinion about. Here, I am referring to cheese in the physical […]

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To be or not to be is a famous question once posed by Hamlet in the annuals of English literature (I can definitely recommened being!). A cheeselover could somewhat rephrase the question and ask themselves to cheese or not to cheese. A slightly odd sounding sentence in English, but we could put it another way […]

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