Human beings are funny old creatures. In the past, when watching football highlights, there always used to be lots of debates. He was offside! No, he wasn’t. Yes, he was. Or Look at that! The ref has made a blatant mistake. They were robbed! So, after many years of such arguing and with the development […]

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My sporting achievements are few and far between. One of the few was when I was at primary school. Every lunchtime and after school, I went to football training. However, for not hard to surmise reasons, I was never selected for the school team until one fateful day. It was my final year at the […]

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Ben looked down and baulked. From the ground it hadn’t seemed quite so high, but now that he was at the top, he felt the blood racing and his knees quivering. The professional mountain guy who was coordinating the activity beckoned to him. Ben hesitated. ‘Come on, it’s your turn. Just step over here and […]

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One time it occurred to me that my shower was getting a bit worn. You know what I mean, not just a few splashes and stains here and there, but rather full-blown mould starting to grow in some of the lower nooks and crannies. So, as any self-respecting shower owner would, I began cleaning. Initially […]

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Marturie in Romana When I grew up, I always believed in God and went to church with my family. But God wasn’t the most important aspect of my life. I had my own interests. For example, I liked football and Sunday’s at church, I was often thinking about what football match was on the television […]

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Aurelius reclined on his triclinium. It had been a hard day at the agora. He hadn’t managed to sell much casus. He wasn’t sure why, although that was just the way it seemed to be. Maybe it was to do with the weather or, as some would have you believe, the whim of the gods, […]

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Testimony in English Când am crescut, întotdeauna am crezut în Dumnezeu și mergeam la biserică cu familia, dar Dumnezeu nu a fost cel mai important aspect al vieții mele. Aveam propriile mele interese. De exemplu, îmi plăcea fotbalul și duminica la biserică, deseori mă gândeam la ce meci de fotbal va fi mai târziu la […]

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Однажды, когда я шел по улице, мужчина остановил меня и предложил бесплатный тест на личность. Обычно я не увлекаюсь такими вещами, но он настоял. Он отвел меня с улицы в соседнее здание и дал мне несколько листов бумаги с очень многими вопросами о том, как я веду себя в различных обстоятельствах (например, сдача, когда люди […]

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